I think it's one of Jeff Parker's or Steve Lieber's photos; I recall seeing it with one of their con reports.
At my last job, I had to read DC's full-comp box every month; they ran that photo in their back-page house ad in every comic for a couple months, and it made me go a big rubbery one every time. If your heart doesn't melt looking at that picture, you don't have one.
That's one of the things we hardened fanboys who want the deep, dark, moody Batman or the harried, insecure, problem-laden Spider-Man often forget: to little kids, these characters are absolutely primal Heroes, with absolutely none of the emotional baggage. To them, what Batman and Spider-Man do is good stuff. They catch bad guys. They're heroes. I love that stripped-down, primal superhero view, and wish we could capture more of it as adults.
I think it's one of Jeff Parker's or Steve Lieber's photos; I recall seeing it with one of their con reports.
ReplyDeleteAt my last job, I had to read DC's full-comp box every month; they ran that photo in their back-page house ad in every comic for a couple months, and it made me go a big rubbery one every time. If your heart doesn't melt looking at that picture, you don't have one.
That's one of the things we hardened fanboys who want the deep, dark, moody Batman or the harried, insecure, problem-laden Spider-Man often forget: to little kids, these characters are absolutely primal Heroes, with absolutely none of the emotional baggage. To them, what Batman and Spider-Man do is good stuff. They catch bad guys. They're heroes. I love that stripped-down, primal superhero view, and wish we could capture more of it as adults.
ReplyDelete(sniff) Now I wanna hug Blue Beetle.
Actually, I'd rather get the hug from Wonder Woman...
ReplyDeleteYou are all correct.
ReplyDeleteWonder Woman, Batman find new, younger Robin.
ReplyDelete/Johan Åberg
You remind me of Robin before he died. Say, I dont suppose you just lost your parents in a trapeze accident by any chance ?
ReplyDeleteBut seriously: awwwwwww. :-)
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ReplyDeleteHey, there's a lot of helpful information here!
ReplyDeletemetal building